Marks in Time:
A memory is a mark in time on our minds, a scratch or scuff is a memory on an object.
A memory is a mark in time on our minds, a scratch or scuff is a memory on an object.
Whilst volunteering for the Open Eye LOOK Biennial Exhibition at St Georges Hall I started to think about all the thousands of people who must have walked around the area of the Exhibition, both during this exhibition, previous exhibitions, when the building was used as a court and also going back to when the building was first built.
All these people, as they pass through this space, have left a mark in some small way on the floor; scuffs, scrapes and cracks have all appeared over years. These have been changed, enlarged, covered and uncovered by further footfall.
These photographs record these marks as they are today – tomorrow they will be different, they will have evolved as time moves on.
This is a project which I am looking to develop further into a more wide ranging study of the marks which we leave under foot as we move around our daily lives.

I am now starting to develop this project further. The following images were taken during the Covid-19 lock-down in the house which I am currently renovating.